2024-2025 Administration & costs

It is normal in Holland that you sign-in and pay for the whole season. No ones stops somewhere in between, no drop outs. That is the reason why our prices are not very high. Groups stay the same for the whole season and all of us, students and teachers, stay comfortable in their class. 

If you want to read about our school-to-studio options, click here.

Please check our prescribed ballet clothing here.

The tuition fees refer to a season of 10 months and 33 lessons. We teach 35 weeks. If you want to compare the tuition fees, this often happens with monthly amounts: 10 months/31.50/60 minutes of lessons

Signing up:

All students will receive a registration form in September or at the time of enrolment. So you don’t register until you know which class you are going to take. This way you know exactly what you are registering for and what you are paying for. Switching to another class during the season is usually no problem; we are happy to do this in consultation.


Payment can be made in 1 or 2 installments. The first term expires October 1, the second term January 15. If you want to pay in 4 installments, please discuss the email.


Please in a closed envelope with the name of the student and the class time on the envelope. You will receive a receipt from the teacher in the studio.

Transfer yourself:

Name: Dance & Ballet Company, Hoofddorp

IBAN: NL79 INGB 066 46 41 822


Please include the student’s full first and last name.

Tuition fees/based on 33 lessons per season/10 months:

TutuClass per 8 lessons 55,-

45 min. €260 (pay in 2 installments: 2x 135)

60 min. €325 (pay in 2 installments: 2x 167.50)

75 min. €385 (pay in 2 installments: 2x 197.50)

90 min. €410 (pay in 2 installments: 2x 207.50)

Privat class Monday 17:00 890,- (6 students), 925,- (4 students)

Yoga, €340 (pay in 2 installments: 2x 177.50)

Aerial Yoga, €100/1 course of 6 lessons

Yoga for Kids €385 (pay in 2 installments: 2x 197.50)

2 lessons x 60 min. €650,-

3 lessons x 60 min. €828,75  (discount 146.25)

Extra training, cash before class 12.50

Payment reminder 1st time 2.50, 2nd time 2.50, 3rd time 20,-

Competition team or selection class for children who come through Stichting Leergeld Haarlemmer is free of charge.

Family discount: when purchasing and paying for 3 lessons or more within 1 family, you will receive a 15% discount on the total amount.

Important! Please read with attention.

-Payment in 2 or 4 installments is possible. You must ensure that payment is made on time.

-In the event of a later entry, please consult via email or with the teacher about the amount to be paid. Enrolling after February is only possible with 1 installment payment.

Important: Pupils aged 6 and older sign up and pay for an entire season, running from the moment of enrollment (usually September) until the 3rd week of June. Children up to 6 years old can sign up per period (see Angelina Ballerina) but it is cheaper for a whole season. During the season there is no refund of the tuition fee, after following the trial lessons you know clearly what you are registering for.

Absence: If you miss a lesson (or several) due to illness, pregnancy or vacation, for example, you can make up for it at another time. Consult with your teacher which lesson(s) qualify. Do you want to switch lessons, lesson times, teacher and group during the season: that is possible! Please consult. Illness and absence of the teacher can in almost all cases be taken care of by the teacher team.

If you would like to know whether financial support is possible for you, please contact:

Stichting Leergeld HaarlemmermeerPO Box 6002130 AP Hoofddorp
